Currently we offer support for you to buy in 5 stores:
– If you want to buy from other stores in Japan, you can order using this page: “Other Items“
– If you want to participate in an auction, you can request using this page: “Auctions“
Each store has its own search area and menu:
Sometimes some errors can occur when trying to get a list of products or item.
Select the item that you want to buy and add to shopping cart:
All fees will be applied correctly in the shopping cart after you calculate shipping (currently only DHL can be automatically calculated as international shipping , in most cases we calculate the international shipping fee and options available for each country after the items arrives at our office. We will contact you via email and offer shipping options, the customer must choose one and send payment for the chosen shipping option. Please note you will not be able to cancel your purchase and get a refund for the items you purchased if you refuse to pay for the international shipping fee).
Proceed to checkout and complete the information carefully
and then place your order paying via Credit Card with Stripe.
Do not forget to read our F.A.Q. and Terms and Conditions before placing your order!
Thank you very much!